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Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth (Lk 2:14)

When we are ready to give glory to God in the highest, God is ready to give peace on earth. There are unrest and lack of peace in many places on this planet earth. Why is it so? Because many are not quite often ready to give glory to God through their sincere worship. How to offer sincere worship? All those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth (Jn 4:24). Many are away from the spirit and truth. What is spirit? Spirit means the Holy Spirit. What is truth? The word of God is truth (Jn 17:17). And Jesus is the word of God (Rev.19:13). So Jesus is truth (Jn14:6). The word of God is life and spirit ( Jn 6:63). Without having a life according to the word of God ever the world will enjoy peace because life according to the word of God is true worship. Angels came from heaven to glorify God by their worship through Jesus to have peace among them and in heaven. Shepherds came to do the same to have peace among themselves and their herds. The magi came from the east to worship Jesus in Bethlehem to enjoy peace in their respective nations. Therefore without giving glory to God through Jesus, the present generation will not have peace and joy. Nobody can give glory to God without having sincere worship through Jesus Christ.

Reasons of unrest and lack of peace

Wrong worship is the reason of unrest and lack of peace. Cain offered wrong worship and became very agitated against his bother and killed him. Abel offered right worship and enjoyed peace, joy and prosperity (Gen 4:3-8). We worship God in spirit and truth while being guided by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. True worshipers must worship God in Spirit and truth. Peace is a gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift is given to those who lead a spirit filled life and worship God in spirit and truth. Those who do not lead a life according to the principles of truth and love are not able to worship God. Truth disappeared in the hearts of many. Therefore many cannot worship God and failed to give glory to God. That is the main reason of the unrest and lack of peace in many places.

How can we give glory to God?

We give glory to God through a life according to the word of God. Word of God says “be merciful as God is merciful” (Lk 6:36). Therefore through the work of mercy or charity we are able to give glory to God. God will be glorified in our good works. Again through prayer we all give glory to God. When Jesus was praying he was transformed and glory of God came up on Him on mount Tabor (Mt 17:2). Let us give glory to God through our works of charity and sincere prayer.


Let us enjoy peace throughout our life by giving glory to God. This is the message given by the Angels when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus has come to this world to give peace, peace in abundance. Let us enjoy this peace in our heart. Peace is a gift of the Holy Spirit. And also it is the result of forgiveness. Without worship and forgiveness nobody will enjoy peace. Peace is not the absence of all problems but in the midst of all these we will enjoy it because we know that everything will be turned for our favour when we love God (Rom 8:28). True worship is the result of sincere prayer and works of charity. Therefore through sincere worship let us give glory to God through Jesus and enjoy peace on earth always.

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