All of us do minister in the kingdom of God, but what is the real intention and motivation of these ministries? Some preach the word of God out of jealousy, pride while some others to defeat other ministries and have personal fame. St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians says ‘The love of Christ urges me to do the ministry in the kingdom of God’ (2 Cor 5:14). The love of Christ is the driving force of ministry and the glory of God is the aim of it.

The driving force of Jesus in his ministry is given in Luke 4:14. There we read that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit before he came to his hometown to preach. His fame went all around. There are three driving forces that urged Jesus to do his ministry.
Firstly it was the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18).
Secondly he was sent by the Father (Luke 4:18).
Thirdly it was compassion and mercy that moved Jesus.
The miseries of the people, elicited the compassion of Jesus and he healed them all. “When he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them and cured their sick” (Mt. 14:14).
People, who are working in the ministry of Christ, should possess the mind of Christ “Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 2:4-5) St. Paul says that we know the mind of Christ, so, we do our ministry in the kingdom of God with the mind of Christ. Let us examine our motivation, intention of preaching and evangelization.
Everyone is obliged to do some ministry in the kingdom of God. The following are the possibilities:
Apostolic ministry – ministry of the Bishops
Priestly ministry- ministry through the ministerial priesthood
Ministry of the religious/ consecrated
Preaching ministry
Counseling ministry
Intercession ministry
Physical healing ministry
Inner healing ministry
Deliverance ministry
Financial healing ministry
Family healing ministry
Volunteers-in Parishes, Retreat Centres, Institutions etc
Teachers of Catechism
Organizers of Prayer Groups, Bible Conventions, Retreats etc
Service Ministry – in Old Age Home, Home For Destitute, Health Centres, Food Distribution etc
Music Ministry or Praise and Worship ministry
Ministry of Testimony
Promotional ministry – Promoting people to attend retreats
Media Ministry – through Literature, Audio, Visual, Bible Distribution etc
Tithing of time, talent and treasure
Everyone who does ministry must have the intention and mind of Christ. Every minister must be anointed as Jesus was anointed. All those who are anointed will manifest charisms and the anointing is oriented towards ministries in the kingdom of God. Primarily the charisms are for building up of the church and secondly it is for helping an individual and thirdly to help the nation. Hence charisms are manifestations of the anointing which are given to an individual for the common good (CCCc 160). The chosen one, whom God has sanctified or set apart, to work for his kingdom must receive these charisms as a gifts of the Holy Spirit. Charisms are given to build up the mystical body of Christ, which is the Church (Eph 4:12). Secondly every minister is sent by Jesus, as Jesus was sent by the Father with full authority in heaven and on earth (Mt 28: 18-20). Thirdly every minister should have sincere love and compassion towards others.
The sufferings and tears of the people must be the driving force of our ministry. And a minister always stands for the liberation, healing and wellness of the people all over the world and for souls in purgatory.
God's children groan with pain (Rom 8:20-23), as long as they are in this world. They are under great suffering and the Church must set them free through her ministries. Through the ministry of the Church the glory of Christ has to manifest and increase the world over. Hence, I pray that none of us do this noble and genuine ministry of Christ only for the self - glory, fame, money or profit.