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Why Suffering?

Rev. Dr. Jose Vettiyankal


Turn all your worries into worship, God will turn all your battles into blessings. Exodus 14:14 says, Stand still. Yahweh will fight for us. Before every blessing there will be a period of suffering. Why is it so? That is the plan of the devil to distract you from God and to destroy your big blessing because in the days of human suffering there is a tendency to turn against God and curse God. Devil knows that God is going to bless you immensely. So, devil wants to keep you away from God by his persecution or affliction and diminish or destroy the imminent blessings from God. Joseph was in the jail for 3 years before he was appointed as the Administrator in Egypt. Job was in suffering for 6 months before he was blessed with 140 years and able to see even the 4th generation. Daniel was in the den of lions overnight before he was appointed as the Governor General in Persia. Jesus was in suffering for 3 days before His resurrection, an eternal and everlasting blessing for all. So, you and I will have severe suffering by the devil which is allowed by God to bring something good out of it (CCC 311). Therefore, be with Jesus during the days of your suffering. Do not run away from Him. Do not give up your faith but endure it with Jesus until your good days begin. St. Peter said after a while of your suffering, you will be supported, strengthened, encouraged and well established (1 Pt 5:10). If you and I configure the days of our suffering with suffering Christ (1Pt.4:12-13), we will enjoy the benefits of the resurrection of Christ as Messianic blessings, gifts and miracles.

5 Messianic Blessings

  1. All your sorrows will be turned into joy (John 16:20). Jesus said your suffering is only for a short time as the discomfort of a pregnant woman until her delivery. After the delivery she never remembers her pain. In the same way, sin and satan will disturb you for a while so that you may curse God and spoil your blessings because the devil has jealousy over your existing blessing and the additional blessings you are going to have in the future (Wisdom 2:24). So Jesus assured all the believers that their sorrows are only short lived and only for a short span of time. And after that it will be turned to joy.

  2. All your trials will be turned into triumph (2 Cor. 2:14). Many people have terrible trials in their life and they think that God gives it. God never gives it but only allows it. Therefore, CCCC 57 says ‘God is no way directly or indirectly the cause of your suffering’. But God allows the sufferings, (when satan demands it with his acquired authority CCC 407), in view of giving you victory. When God allows it, He has already established a way out (1Cor.10:13) that Jesus and you can defeat satan and his plans and victoriously come out of it .

  3. All your tests will become testimonies (Jn. 6:6). God never tests you with evil. God always arranges departmental test to promote you to the next level of your promotion of faith. Before Abraham was elevated as the father of faith, his faith was tested (Gen 22:1-14). Jesus tested Philip of his faith (John 6:6). But Philip failed and Apostle Andrew came forward and said to Jesus……. we have 5 loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish which is enough if I give it in your hands. As Andrew said your blessing and my faith will bring sufficiency in the life of all concerned. So we all have to have the sharing of Andrew’s faith and get out of the calculative and scientific mind of Philip who did not trust in the miracle working power of Jesus. Where Philip failed Andrew got victory and Andrew was promoted in his faith level.

  4. All your shame will be turned into fame (Rom 10:11). All those who trust in Jesus will not be put to shame and all their existing shame will be turned into fame. Susanna was put into shame by two judges. But God turned her shame through Prophet Daniel (Dan 13:63) into fame.

  5. With Jesus you will conquer the area of your difficulty in this world (Jn 16:33 and Rom 8:37). You and I may have thousands of problems in this world. But Jesus has already conquered the world that gives problems (Jn 16:33). St. Paul had hundreds of difficulties in his life (Rom 8:35) but he conquered everything with Jesus (Rom 8:37). In the same way, you and I will conquer the present struggles with Jesus. We cannot do anything apart from Jesus (Jn 15:5). All the more we can do everything in Christ Jesus who strengthens us (Phil 4:13).

Five Messianic Gifts (Mk. 16:17 & 18)

  1. Gift of Tongues. When you are in prayer, you may have an inspiration and a desire to pray in a particular sound which you do not know the meaning. But it is a prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit. That is the Gift of Tongues (Rom 8:26 and Mark 16:17). Some people will have the charism of tongue. That means, when they pray or preach in one language the listeners will hear it in their mother tongue (Acts 2:7 & 8). This is not a Messianic Gift, but it is a charism which is given to few people (CCCC 160 ). Gift of Tongues is meant for all believers in Jesus Christ (Mk 18:17).

  2. Deliverance. Jesus said that those who believe in me will cast out demons. It is not an exorcism but a freedom from the dominion of the devil, demons, black magic, spell and so on which can be experienced personally or by doing it for others till the first degree of blood relationship. To bring this to effect, please do the Binding and Casting out prayer as in Page 103 in the Prayer Book “Infilling of the Holy Spirit” which is being reproduced here. ‘I bind you the wicket spirit of ……….. in the name of Jesus and cast you out and send you under the feet of Jesus (Heb 10:13) and all these spirits be bound there until the second coming of our Lord. Let the Lord do justice to you (Jude 1:8).

  3. Taking snake in your hand (Mark 16:18). It means by faith in Jesus Christ, all will get the power to bind and cast out reptiles, snakes, insects, virus, animals and so on. So, you have to say like this…….. ‘In the name of Jesus, I command you snake and so on, get out of this place’ and it will obey you because Jesus has given us the power to do so (Lk 10:19).

  4. Effect of poison will be cancelled (Mk 16:18). Suppose somebody has given you poison or you have taken it accidentally, the effect will be cancelled when you use the name of Jesus. You have to say like this….. ‘In the name of Jesus, let the effect of poison be cancelled in me’ and make a sign of the Cross on your stomach.

  5. Physical healing (Mk 16:18). In the book of Job 5:19, there are problems and sufferings in six areas of human beings. When you and I believe in Jesus, the healing power of Jesus will be manifested through us. For this you have to place your hand over the sick and pray like this……… ‘In the name of Jesus, be healed of this infirmity in you’. And these people, whom you pray, surely, they will be healed though care, prayer, medicine, word of God and faith, if do not belong to one of the 3 categories. These 3 categories of people may not be healed immediately. To about 3 categories, please refer to Infilling of the Holy Spirit Prayer Book page 106.

Five Messianic Miracles.

  1. Forgiveness of sins (1 Jn 1:7 and Mark 2:5). All human beings have their own sins. All are now seeking remedies to come out of it by their own effort. Quite often they may not be successful by their own. Jesus did the penance for our sins. Therefore, all those who believe in Him will share the forgiveness of sins by a decision not to sin again and live a life according to the Word of God hereafter. Then, by the merit of the blood of Jesus their sins are forgiven and no more consequence of sin will affect them (Rom 8:1).

  2. Healings in six areas (Mt 8:3). When you and I are suffering from incurable diseases and unsolved problems only Jesus can heal us and save us. Jesus said to a leper who asked for healing, I choose to heal you (Mt 8:3) and Jesus touched him and healed him. If you ask Jesus to heal you, surely Jesus will touch you and heal you if you do not belong to one of the 3 categories. Generally we apply care, prayer, medicine, Word of God and faith for our healing. Please apply all these five, one after another when you are sick.

  3. Deliverance (Mk 1:25 and Luke 4:35). Jesus rebuked an evil spirit which was in a person who came for prayer in the synagogue. Nobody knew that this man was possessed. Jesus knew it and rebuked it and delivered him even though that man did not ask for it. In the same way, when you come online in you tube or to Logos Retreat Centre personally, Jesus takes an initiative to deliver you, even though you do not ask for it.

  4. Anointing (Mt 3:11). Sometimes we feel powerless and are seeking supernatural power. Some people seek demonic power through witchcraft to come out of their problems or to get a worldly benefit. But when you believe in Jesus, Jesus will give you the supreme power that is the Holy Spirit (Lk 24:49). This anointing will break all your yoke. Anointing means being guided by the Holy Spirit. 1 Sam 16:13 says through the anointing with holy oil, David got power of God which had permanently rested upon him and helped him to come out of all his problems and to defeat all his enemies.

  5. Restoration to the lost paradise (1 Jn 3:8). Jesus has come to this world to undo the work of the devil in the humanity. Through the work of the devil, human beings are pushed out of their paradise and they endure unending suffering including death. CCC 736 says by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and through faith in Jesus Christ, you and I will be restored to the lost paradise. St. Basil the Church Father says in his book ‘D Spiritus Santo’ as ‘through our faith in Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, we all will be restored to the paradise which is lost by the sin of Adam and Eve. Now all creation are groaning with pain and waiting for redemption of bodies (Rom 8:23). Only Jesus can liberate all beings from this groaning pain and restore them to the state of wellbeing, i.e., “paradise. Today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk23:43). With Jesus today we can be in paradise. So accept him now as you Lord and Saviour.


The devil knows that God is going to give you all these Messianic blessings, Messianic Gifts and Miracles abundantly and the devil wants to destroy it. So he persecutes or afflicts you to take you away from Jesus through unending sufferings, afflictions, etc. But Jesus said, when you are in suffering just configure your suffering to the Cross of Jesus (1 Pt 4:12 - 13) and after a while enjoy the benefits of the resurrection and have the abundance of blessings (1 Peter 5:10). So, all brothers and sisters in all cultures, nations and religions, you are welcome to believe in Jesus and endure the suffering for a while and soon be blessed abundantly in Jesus Christ.

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